Two instructions have been added to the ILOC architecture: \verb|halt| taking one register as input and \verb|haltI| taking one number as input. These instructions were added to aid in debugging, to allow a program to signal unrecoverable failure and to provide software interrupts in general. After executing a halt instruction, the interrupt value will be accessible in \verb|Machine::getInterrupt| and can be reset with \verb|Machine::clearInterrupt|. A non-zero interrupt value prevents the \verb|Simulator::run| method from executing any instruction. \verb|Simulator::step| will still execute as usual.\\ One register has been added: \verb|brk|, named after the unix functions \emph{brk} and \emph{sbrk} to manage the size of the data segment of a program. This value marks the end of dedicated heap space and is initialised to halfway the total memory of the virtual machine. The \verb|Simulator| is modified to throw an exception if the stack pointer goes below this address. \emph{memlib} uses this register to determine the amount of free space.