% Detailed language description. A systematic description of the features of your language, for each % feature specifying % – Syntax, including one or more examples; % – Usage: how should the feature be used? Are there any typing or other restrictions? % – Semantics: what does the feature do? How will it be executed? % – Code generation: what kind of target code is generated for the feature? % You may make use of your ANTLR grammar as a basis for this description, but note that not every % rule necessarily corresponds to a language feature. \subsection{} \subsubsection{Syntax} \begin{lstlisting}[style=ANTLR] \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{Gebruik} %hoe gebruik je het? wat zijn de typerestricties? \subsubsection{Semantiek} %semantiek \subsubsection{Codegeneratie} %wat voor ILOC wordt er gegenereerd voor deze functie?