rename files, generate SVG page without XML

This commit is contained in:
User 2019-03-13 19:42:40 +01:00
parent 63f3c9d3ae
commit 725198e4c9
6 changed files with 93 additions and 166 deletions

62 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
from json import loads
from datetime import datetime
from re import compile
# scale down coordinates to dx=1 per day to prevent SVG coordinate overflows
scale = 1/60/60/24
def get_date(dtime):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(dtime).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
def make_line(event):
evstart = event['period'][0]
evstop = event['period'][1]
return '<line{type} x1="{start}" x2="{stop}" y1="{height}" y2="{height}"><title>{text} ({start_date}{stop_date})</title></line>'.format(
type = '' if event['status'] == 'online' else ' class="error"',
start = scale*evstart,
stop = scale*evstop,
start_date = get_date(evstart),
stop_date = get_date(evstop),
height = len(event['players']) if 'players' in event else 0,
text = ('no one' if len(event['players']) == 0 else ', '.join(event['players'])) if event['status'] == 'online' else event['status']
def get_lines(start,stop):
lines = []
find_start = compile(r'x1="([0-9.]+)"')
find_stop = compile(r'x2="([0-9.]+)"')
with open('events.log', 'r') as fin:
for l in fin:
evstart = float(
evstop = float(
if evstop > start and evstart < stop:
with open('current-state.json', 'r') as fin:
return lines
def make_html(name,period):
stop = scale*
start = stop-period
lines = get_lines(start, stop)
display_scale = 24*60/10 # 1 pixel per 10 minutes
with open('template.html', 'r') as fin:
with open(name+'.html', 'w') as fout:
outer_width = display_scale*period+10,
inner_width = display_scale*period,
start = start,
period = period,
day_start = scale*datetime.fromtimestamp(start/scale).replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0).timestamp(),
day_stop = stop,
events = ''.join(lines)
def make_htmls():
make_html('day', 1)
make_html('month', 31)
make_html('4months', 120)

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
from json import loads
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, tostring
from datetime import datetime
def readEvents():
events = []
with open('events.json', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
with open('current-state.json', 'r') as f:
return events
def getSVG(events):
scale = 1/60/60/24
period = 3*30 *60*60*24
end =
start = end-period
# start = events[0]['period'][0]
# end = events[-1]['period'][1]
root = Element('svg', {
'version': '1.1',
'xmlns': '',
'viewBox': '0 0 {} 200'.format(scale*period*200),
'width': str(scale*period*200),
'height': '200',
group = Element('svg', {
'viewBox': '{} 0 {} 10'.format(scale*start,scale*period),
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',
'preserveAspectRatio': 'none'
for i in range(0,10+1):
num = Element('text', {
'x': str(scale*period*200-20),
'y': str((1-i/10)*200)
num.text = str(i)
for event in events:
evstart = event['period'][0]
evend = event['period'][1]
if evend < start or evstart > end:
props = { 'x1': str(scale*evstart), 'x2': str(scale*evend), 'y1': '0', 'y2': '0' }
titletext = 'unknown'
if 'players' in event:
y = str(len(event['players']))
props['y1'] = y
props['y2'] = y
if len(event['players']) == 0:
titletext = '(no one)'
titletext = ', '.join(event['players'])
if event['type'] == 'error':
props['class'] = 'error'
titletext = 'error'
ev = Element('line', props)
title = Element('title')
title.text = '{} ({}{})'.format(titletext, datetime.fromtimestamp(evstart).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), datetime.fromtimestamp(evend).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
return root
def dumpHTML(arg):
with open('index.html', 'r') as f:
html =
print( html.format(arg) )
dumpHTML(tostring(getSVG(readEvents()), encoding='unicode'))

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'>

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
from json import loads, dumps
events = []
def doOffline(state, cur_t, cur_ps):
(last_t, last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = state
working = (cur_t - last_t < 70)
if not working and last_ev == 'online':
events.append({'period': [last_evt, last_t], 'type': 'players', 'players': last_ps})
return (cur_t, 'error', last_t, cur_ps)
return state
def doBackOnline(state, cur_t, cur_ps):
(last_t, last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = state
working = (cur_t - last_t < 70)
if working and last_ev != 'online':
events.append({'period': [last_evt, cur_t], 'type': 'error'})
return (cur_t, 'online', last_t, last_ps)
return state
def doPlayerChange(state, cur_t, cur_ps):
(last_t, last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = state
working = (cur_t - last_t < 70)
if working and last_ps != cur_ps:
events.append({'period': [last_evt, cur_t], 'type': 'players', 'players': last_ps})
return (cur_t, 'online', cur_t, cur_ps)
return state
def doUpdateTime(state, cur_t, cur_ps):
(last_t, last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = state
return (cur_t, last_ev, last_evt, last_ps)
def doCurrent(state):
(last_t, last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = state
events.append({'period': [last_evt, last_t], 'type': 'current', 'players': last_ps})
with open('all-time.txt') as f:
state = ()
cur_t = 0
cur_ps = []
for line in f:
current = loads(line)
cur_t = current['time']
cur_ps = current['players']
if state == ():
state = (cur_t, 'online', cur_t, cur_ps)
state = doOffline(state, cur_t, cur_ps)
state = doBackOnline(state, cur_t, cur_ps)
state = doPlayerChange(state, cur_t, cur_ps)
state = doUpdateTime(state, cur_t, cur_ps)
def dumpJSON(events):
for event in events:

View File

template.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<!-- <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='29'> -->
<link rel='stylesheet' href='svg.css'>
<a href="day.html">last 24 hours</a>
<a href="month.html">last month</a>
<a href="4months.html">last 4 months</a>
<svg id='graph' height='200' width='{outer_width}' viewBox='0 10 {outer_width} 200' version='1.1' xmlns=''>
<text y='200'>0</text>
<text y='180'>1</text>
<text y='160'>2</text>
<text y='140'>3</text>
<text y='120'>4</text>
<text y='100'>5</text>
<text y= '80'>6</text>
<text y= '60'>7</text>
<text y= '40'>8</text>
<text y= '20'>9</text>
<svg id='events' x='10' y='-10' width='{inner_width}' height='100%' preserveAspectRatio='none' viewBox='{start} -0.5 {period} 10'>
<line id='days' x1='{day_start}' x2='{day_stop}'></line>