A minimalist systemd service that periodically polls a minecraft server and logs player activity. This requires the minecraft server to have `enable-query=true`. The script is currently set up to poll `xkcd.cbouton.com` and produce a graph for the past *hour*, *day*, *month*, *4 months* and *18 months*. The graph is generated from `template.html`, an SVG inside an auto-refreshing HTML page. # Installation Nothing in the installation process is automated so far: 1. Install Python 3.x 2. Perform `pip install mcstatus` in the monitor folder 3. Set the `PATH` in `xkcdstatus.service` to the monitor folder. 4. Optionally move the *web* subfolder to a location in your webserver root 5. Set the arguments in `xkcraftia-monitor.sh` to point to the *web* subfolder 6. Move `xkcdstatus.service` and `xkcdstatus.timer` to `/etc/systemd/system/` 7. Enable and start the timer ``` sudo systemctl enable xkcdstatus.timer sudo systemctl start xkcdstatus.timer ``` # Demo See a live version of the monitor at [xkcd.flumble.nl](https://xkcd.flumble.nl/)