from json import loads, dumps from makeline import make_line from sys import argv log_path = '/dev/null' def parse_logs(): with open('all-time.txt', 'r') as fin: (last_t, last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = (0, 'error', 0, []) with open(log_path+'events.json', 'w') as fout: cur_t = 0 cur_ps = [] for line in fin: current = loads(line) cur_t = current['time'] cur_ps = current['players'] if last_t == 0: (last_t, last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = (cur_t, 'online', cur_t, cur_ps) else: if cur_t - last_t > 90: if last_ev == 'online': fout.write(dumps({'period': [last_evt, last_t], 'status': last_ev, 'players': last_ps})+'\n') (last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = ('unreachable', last_t, cur_ps) else: if last_ev != 'online': fout.write(dumps({'period': [last_evt, last_t], 'status': last_ev})+'\n') (last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = ('online', last_t, last_ps) if last_ps != cur_ps: fout.write(dumps({'period': [last_evt, cur_t], 'status': last_ev, 'players': last_ps})+'\n') (last_ev, last_evt, last_ps) = ('online', cur_t, cur_ps) last_t = cur_t with open(log_path+'current-state.json', 'w') as fout: fout.write(dumps({'period': [last_evt, last_t], 'status': 'online', 'players': last_ps})) def events_to_lines(): with open(log_path+'events.json', 'r') as fin: with open(log_path+'events.log', 'w') as fout: for l in fin: fout.write(make_line(loads(l))+'\n') if __name__ == "__main__": if len(argv) > 1: log_path = argv[1]+'/' parse_logs() events_to_lines() else: print('error: specify target path')